Fake Eagles in the Midst? You need a powerful Tribe, Sis.
Did you know that there are small-minded people in very high places?
You may have encountered one or two. They have self-serving motivations.
They don’t understand you. Some don’t like you, simply because you soar with excellence.
They will fool you. They smile at you, even have small talk
in the elevator.
As you are busy not minding the chickens in the coop, be aware that every once in a while, a chicken in an eagles’ outfit may make themselves known.
Some of them have considerable more clout, rank and influence, but didn’t get there thanks to the excellence and rockstar qualities you exclude.
That despise your shine. They don’t know how you know the things you do, and it threatens them.
They will try everything to destroy you. How do you combat them? With other bonafide eagles in your tribe with as much power and more than them.
How many eagles are in your tribe? How many can you text message or call unannounced?
You might want to get on that today.
Check out the FREE Audiocast: Assemble and Activate your Tribe.