Do you have all the support you need to go where you’re planning to go, my sister?

Do you have all the support you need to go where you’re planning to go, my sister?

Best Selling Author Dallas


HEADLINE: Do you have all the support you need to go where you’re planning to go, my sister?

Do you have all the support you need to go where you’re planning to go, my sister?

You’re going to need it. You have big goals. I’m not necessarily talking about a Tribe…I’m talking about the life stuff…the things that help your life run smoothly so that you can stay focused on making things happen.

As women of color, sometimes we skip some of the necessities because we watched our mothers go without. But all due respect to “mama-nem” but was she the business boss you’re striving to be today?

So preparing three squares for your family, cleaning house or even helping the kids with their homework consistently is a heavy lift when you’re moving corporate mountains. You need the elbow room to untether from these things, assured they are still taken care of.

There is nothing wrong with having a housekeeper.

No thanks to the pandemic, I had to put my housekeepers on hold. It takes few of them to get everything tidy efficiently, so can you imagine what I needed to say to myself to adjust to the new normal when lockdown happened? No doubt, the housekeepers will be making a return soon. If you’re like me, untidy spaces weigh me down.

Invest in a tutor for the kiddos.

Especially for young ones, consider having a tutor who can ensure your kids’ homework not only gets done, but learning is re-enforced. Just before the pandemic took hold, I started working with a company that would dispatch a teacher online or off to ensure that my little was not only getting her homework right, but she was receiving some enrichment along the way. During online school, this was crucial.

Let go of the pots and pans every night.

I like to cook at least once a week because I actually enjoy it, but many times that happens on a Sunday evening when things are less hectic, and it makes for some great meal prep for the week. Otherwise, I have given myself permission to get take out or call Uber Eats. Some of my clients and friends have turned to meal prep services or even a personal chef.

How will you integrate services into your life to ease the strain on your mission to be a senior executive leader? Share what you’ve outsourced in the comments or hit my DMs.

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