
The smartest way to enter a new role

  Start planning for your next 👏🏽 I know. It’s exciting, and you’ve wanted to be in this new role or on this big project for a while. You did it! Now it’s time to focus on the work before you. Absolutely. But, Sis, are you forgetting something? Sometimes we get to new roles and think that we will be there forever, or at least we act like…

Are you giving someone else the reins on your career? You just might be

I remember having a conversation with a trusted tribe member, a key member of my personal board of directors, after accepting an amazing role at a huge company. He was so excited about what I could do in the role, and I agreed. Then I turned to him and said, “…but everything has an expiration date.” He was stunned. He replied, “No, it doesn’t. You are going to…

    Women leaders, especially my women of color… are you pouring out without replenishing? You carry a heavy load. A stark reminder to lean in to your friends, family and therapist and be vulnerable when it counts most. We can’t get this history making, boundary breaker Cheslie Kryst back, but we can be smart about these big-octane, exceptional lives we lead. When you are on empty, tell…

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