What should women of color do now?

What should women of color do now?


It’s been a long three years. The health and economic crisis has been quite a tax on us mentally, physically and financially. Then an ongoing cultural crisis came to a boiling point with the world’s collective rebuke on anti Blackness and continues to simmer with accountability (George Floyd) and justice (Ahmaud Arbery) found in some cases, and in others, not so much (Breonna Taylor).

To add to all of this, war has ensued internationally and the U.S., while not sending troops, is a prime player in what seems to be unraveling as a multi-act drama that is already having economic impacts–not to mention added stress.

Where do high-performing women of color find themselves in this key moment in time? We’ve seen some strides, but the stress that is mounting at home, at work, in life in general sometimes feels unbearable with some organizations demanding a return to the office, others a little less stringent on their remote workers and some companies seeming a little tone-deaf to the new world we live in now.

It’s an unimaginable situation for most of us. We didn’t see most of this coming, but it is also a moment for opportunity and innovation.

I have gathered 5 extraordinary women of color from the entertainment, media, communications, marketing and tech sectors to discuss this, share a bit about their amazing experiences and provide some insight into what they see as the future of work as it pertains to women of color in the workplace.

In celebration of #WomensHistoryMonth, The Culture Soup Podcast® will stream LIVE on LinkedIn and my other social channels with a panel with some amazing, high-performing women of color discussing this critical juncture in which we find ourselves in the current cultural context. From the pandemic to race and equality, the future of work to wars and rumors of them, what should women of color do now? Join us as we discuss what’s on our minds and what organizations should be considering when it comes to their diverse leadership as we navigate perilous times. I’ll be joined by my friends Bernadette Brown, Christina Steed, M.A. (She/Her/Ella), TeNita Ballard, MBA, Shakria Hall, MBA and Juliana J. Bolden representing 5 different industries to discuss these topics and share from their experiences.

Be sure to RSVP!

We will see you on Thursday at Noon CT!

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