L. Michelle Smith

Looking Back In Wonder

  #FlashbackFriday to that photoshoot where I took photos by faith. It was as much about my birthday as it was a book that I had in mind… a book that I would shop to big publishers in New York, but had no clue that I would…a book that would have three different titles before it was published…a book that would be self-published and released worldwide during a…

Spring forward and take a luxurious pause 💅🏽

Spring is here. Have you begun the spring cleaning on your life and aspirations? It’s going to take your tribe, and a plan. I’m committed to my mantra, “Write about it. Speak about it. BE about it.” Take action with me. This special VIP Experience is for those of you who are in my coaching community— whether you are a part of an organization I’ve partnered with, a…

Yes Please! FAQs

Q1: What is the book “YES PLEASE!” about? Q2: YES PLEASE! is a leadership book, grounded in positive psychology and neuroscience, that explores the importance of how Black women securing their own happiness is paramount to finding success and a seat in the C-Suite. It provides seven positive affirmations and reveals seven secrets for Black women to thrive and move into senior executive leadership in the modern-day workplace…

About Yes Please!

YES PLEASE! 7 WAYS TO SAY I’M ENTITLED TO THE C-SUITE: SECRETS WOMEN OF COLOR NEED TO KNOW NOW TO FIND THEIR HAPPY AND WIN IN AN EXCLUSIVE CORPORATE CULTURE is a leadership book that provides seven positive affirmations and reveals seven secrets for Black women to thrive and move into senior executive leadership in the modern-day workplace while harnessing the power of positive emotion to secure happiness.…

Is your network just sitting there? Here’s what to do about it.

  How are you adding value to your network in a daily basis? How are you adding value to your network in a daily basis? If you are like me and have thousands on thousands of connections and contacts on #LinkedIn alone, it may seem daunting to stay in contact with all of them at once. But, you need to. Whether it’s a DM, a phone call, a…

Call Up Your Confidence

It’s time you bossed up. In business, your confidence has to come from somewhere, and it isn’t just a feeling you have about yourself inside. It’s the proof. That’s what should power your affirmations to make your brain begin to believe and learn it. WATCH: Coach L. Michelle discusses three factors that will help you call on your confidence when you step in rooms that can be a…

What really happens when women leaders get sponsorship? The answer may surprise you…

Women+ leaders in tech have access to sponsors, at the same rate as their male counterparts. That isn’t the issue. It’s that once women have sponsors, what happens next is often very different. There is also some discrepancies in titles between the genders. Both become obstacles for women leaders who are looking to walk in their power in rooms and at tables as they aspire to E- and…

Join me at the ELC’s Power of Women at Work Conference

Did you know that women can and do play into the male power center by “othering” one another, consciously and unconsciously? I’ll explore 6 ways that you can ensure that you are advocating and not adding to other women’s struggles in the workplace in my workshop “How to be a better advocate for your Sisters” at The Executive Leadership Council’s 2023 Power of Women at Work (POWW) virtual,…

Looking for a solution?

Get crystal clear about the problem first. If you need to get clear on a solution, start by clarifying the problem first. Coach L. Michelle discusses an easy way to get to clarity and alignment with your teams if you are working together to get to the same goal. Engage Coach L. Michelle for yourself and your team for training or executive coaching . Visit lmichellesmith.com and book…

  In this current touch-and-go environment, both economically and socially, what should leaders consider now? I speak to inclusive leadership & psychological safety expert Sacha Thompson, the founder of The Equity Equation and faculty member of SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy about it. Join us Thursday March 16, streaming everywhere podcasts play, and live at noon across all of my social platforms. And don’t forget to subscribe to the…

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