L. Michelle Smith

Need more insight? 3 ways to get you back on track.

When I explore with leaders ways to get more creative, innovative or productive, I lean into what neuroscience tells us about how our brain functions, and how new habits can make all the difference. Lately, I’m spoken about moving from a calm and clear mind to focus, and how focus gets you to insight, but how can you ensure that you’re not just spouting data or being rote?…

LMS Talks Jobs, Layoffs and Generations

Coach L. Michelle made a prediction about the the tech layoffs and have a perspective on how we should respond on @inspirationforthenationradio this morning.

Coach L. Michelle Talks Peace & Productivity on WFAA Good Morning Texas

If there is an “anti hustle culture crew,” headquarters is located squarely in my coaching community, and I am the ring leader. We get more done by working less… and smarter. And we strive for uber chill… Here is how we do it. Thanks, @wfaagmt and @hungreehannah for having me on! Learn more about #TheSHIFTCoaching, check out the link in my bio. View the video here.

SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy

Don’t miss this opportunity for those focused on improving your chances at E-C-Suite roles. Introducing the SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy.   You will learn to Increase your influence Position yourself for executive leadership Overcome gender and cultural biases Increase your earning potential and transform your life! It is a 6-month, hybrid training and coaching opportunity with live training and group coaching sessions once a month, video on-demand modules…

Scattered and trying to find focus?

  We are knee-deep into January. How much have you gotten done? I intentionally took the slow ramp on to 2023 because I have so much going on in my life and in business, and now, it’s time to focus. But how do you do that when you feel the weight of your goals and everything else you have to do weighing you down? Watch the video to…

3 ways leaders can improve the way they communicate in challenging situations (Fast Company)

This is especially important during times where much of the interactions we are having are virtual, and social and political issues arise at work—especially in a multigenerational and multicultural setting. By L. Michelle Smith—Zapier 8 minute Read The year was 2015, and I was working at a large company. It was about the time that marriage equality became the law of the land. My workspace was not private—it…

Plan to do the work 👊🏽…No shortcuts in 2023

  In all of your intention and goal setting, vision boarding, do the work. It’s as simple as that. Shout out to Donielle Tyeskie,M.S. for our annual New Years rap session. WATCH the video here.

Always Count Your Accomplishments

I kicked off 2022 by releasing book #2.5, SLAY EVERYDAY: 52 Weeks to Rockstar Leadership while simultaneously launching my private online coaching community and app SLAYNET. The imitated and never quite duplicated #NSCRockstarLeadership Tips of the Day barreled on through to more than 200 vignettes this year and were officially retired to the library on SLAYNET. These videos were the origination for the weekly tips in the journal,…

Time to reconsider?

  If you’re constantly pouring out and they never refill you… you might reconsider. LMichelleSmith.com/TheShift

Fire yourself 👏🏽

I am looking forward to a big vacation this holiday season. It’s the third big one for me and my daughter this year. I’m reflecting on how small decisions to delegate, assign tasks, hire help and generally offload tasks have enabled me to take more time for myself and my family from week to week and even year over year. I work no more than 30 hours a…

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