Ready to take back your time? ⏲️ Let’s get focused. 👓 That means you need a plan. You can begin to be intentional about retraining your brain from distracted to more productive with today’s #NSCJournalPrompt. Break out your journals and start with your first step. Take back your time, Sis! You’re doing the most. Working smarter will render your work even more excellent, and you won’t lose your…
I shared this with my Black women leaders and others in my private online community SLAYNET on Monday, and I think its worth sharing broadly here. In Tuesday’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip, we talked about competitive neuroplasticity, in other words, the way you train your brain to be more distracted when you attempt to “multitask.” Neuroscience has nicknamed this phenomenon the brain tax. How might this impact Black women leaders?…
Are you the ultimate cause of your lack of focus? 🤪 You’re training your brain to be distracted. 🧠 Did you know that you might be training your brain to be more distracted by “multitasking”? It’s called competitive neuroplasticity, according to neuroscience, and it is the act of overloading your brain with too many processes. Your brain actually re-organizes itself, training your brain to shorten your attention span.…
Start planning for your next 👏🏽 I know. It’s exciting, and you’ve wanted to be in this new role or on this big project for a while. You did it! Now it’s time to focus on the work before you. Absolutely. But, Sis, are you forgetting something? Sometimes we get to new roles and think that we will be there forever, or at least we act like…
I remember having a conversation with a trusted tribe member, a key member of my personal board of directors, after accepting an amazing role at a huge company. He was so excited about what I could do in the role, and I agreed. Then I turned to him and said, “…but everything has an expiration date.” He was stunned. He replied, “No, it doesn’t. You are going to…
We discussed two key concepts, calibration and succession, in the #NSCRockstarLeadership tip of the day on Tuesday and #BossMoves content share on Wednesday. It’s Thursday, so it’s time to plan your action with the #NSCJournal prompt. The beauty of journaling out your strategy is that only you know your unique situation at work, the leaders, the politic and the culture. Now what will you do with this…
Headed into the weekend feeling lighter like… Great group coaching session that blended mindfulness and neuroscience today with current and grad clients! 👏🏽👏🏽💥💥 We do it once monthly, every 3rd Friday at noon CT. Our focus today was forgiveness. Whew, Chile!! How many of you have listed the villains from past teams, divisions and workplaces one by one, forgiven them for what they did to you and released…
Step one—- call it out. Name it. Describe it. Do it in detail. Step two—-dump it. Brain dump with free-flow writing. Then, let it go. Add this to your regimen for excommunicating negative thoughts, and you will be well on your way to finally taking care of those limiting beliefs. Get on my books for a free strategy session.
Want to make your positive affirmations even more potent? We’ve learned that your brain needs proof to make them effective. For instance: I am smart BECAUSE…(add evidence from a past experience.) But if you are only saying them a few times and never revisiting them, those affirmations may not be working in your favor. Repetition is key. It’s the way our brain learns. After all, it is how…