In a piece from Harvard Business Review, Zuhairah Washington and Lauren Morgan say that “women of color don’t need to be told to “lean in.” Research shows that the vast majority of them have confidence and ambition, determination and desire.” Stated in the article’s title, women of color simply “get less support at work.” This concept is not lost on executive coach, author and speaker L. Michelle Smith.…
Filling your #Linkedin timeline with “corporate rah rah?” …and that’s a good look for whom, again, Sis? It’s time to do better. Your #nscrockstarleadership tip of the day is to leverage the 80:20 rule for employee advocacy, because it really is a win-win for you and your company. Over rotate, and you’ve just squandered your social media real estate…and for companies that have a far bigger marketing budget than you do.…
What is the opportunity for outsiders in privilege? This conversation between America’s Psychologist Dr. Jeff Gardere and myself unpacks a very nuanced view on privilege which can unlock a new mindset for Women of Color battling bias on their way to executive leadership. Here is one of the many gems jammed pack in my book No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself about how to…
I kicked off my national media tour with the crew from Rolling Out AM Wake Up Call! Thanks for having me on, Munson Steed and the hosts, Romeo, Tiara and Minnie. We discussed my new book No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself. It will be available later this week on and right now at The audiobook drops very soon,…
Want to lead like a rockstar? Be genuine. Do you really want to be mistaken for the devil on the floor? You know, the one who wears Prada and never gives eye contact? Be aloof, and whether you are really a good person or not, we’ll never know. It’s the old corporate mindset: be removed, cold, unaccessible. The rockstar leaders that you can identify have pushed through that.…
Here’s the deal: that our hair is even a topic at work, positive or negative, is microagressive. Policing, monitoring even providing runway commentary at work is unnecessary, and it is annoying at the very least. Others have to dye their hair purple to get this sort of attention at work. This is the second time that sisters at this news station faced this scrutiny publicly. First with Demetria…
Sis, what are you telling yourself that allows the bad acting to continue to hurt you in your workplace? 🛑 I’m afraid if I say something about it, it will just reflect negatively on me 🛑 I’m a subordinate. I have to take it. 🛑 I don’t know how in the world to look for a better position 🛑 I just love this company so much 🛑 The…
Are you sleeping on the technology that can support your goals to become the rockstar leader that you know you can be? Are you having others leverage it on your behalf? It’s time you took control. This new fractured, digital and cultural economy demands it. Today, I’m talking about wielding those weapons of mass innovation, Sis. You know, the ones that you’ve been avoiding that now have become…
I had the pleasure of discussing the opportunity to turn a seasonal job into a permenant one during the pandemic with NBC DFW Today. It aired this morning. Highlights: đź’Ž Build relationships đź’Ž Manage your expectations đź’Ž Shine đź’Ž Understand the entire market đź’Ž Lean into your entire skill set đź’Ž Know your why Did you wake up early with me? If you didn’t, you may still have…
Stay away from office gossip, yes…but keep the office gossip close. Â I’m talking about that office busy body. What’s the opportunity in it? Yes, we go all Art of War in today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day. If you think everyone is on your side in the workplace, think again, Sis. But this isn’t your cue to hunker down and keep to yourself. It’s your chance to leverage…