L. Michelle Smith

Fake Eagles in the Midst?  You need a powerful Tribe, Sis.

    Did you know that there are small-minded people in very high places? You may have encountered one or two. They have self-serving motivations. They don’t understand you. Some don’t like you, simply because you soar with excellence. They will fool you. They smile at you, even have small talk in the elevator. As you are busy not minding the chickens in the coop, be aware that…

Creating Content That Sells Webinar

FREE TRAINING: CREATING CONTENT THAT SELLS Content is the fuel that keeps this social media engine going. As such, for those of you who leverage content to sell your services or your insights, it can be difficult coming up with fresh ideas. During this free webinar,  I will teach you how to create content that converts no matter what social media platform you’re on. Join the BRANDPRENUER community this Thursday, July 16,…

Content Guru Dennis Shaio Recommends LMS on Twitter

(Excerpt from Medium: I Binge on Documentary Style Podcasts, Not Netflix, by Dennis Shaio) Twitter Corner In each newsletter, I recommend a Twitter user to follow. This week, I recommend L. Michelle Smith (@LMichelleSpeaks). I discovered L. Michelle via Ian Truscott’s Rockstar CMO podcast. In the episode, Ian and L. Michelle discuss “the current social unrest in the US, the Black Lives Matter movement and her journey as…


Coaches broaden services into personal development and other areas of executive, career and business coaching with coaches throughout the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean   DALLAS, TX– (July 13, 2020) NSC Coaching, one of six brands of Dallas-based no silos communications llc, expands with six professional coaches and nine new services to support individuals and organizations internationally. New coaches are all professionally trained and many hold or are…

Psst…Meet Our New Coaches Next Week

Entrepreneurship is unique. It isn’t self employment. That’s where you simply try to make enough to pay yourself, and that’s enough. It isn’t a hustle. Hustlers live for the next get and no real plan for what that might be. They don’t have credentials either. Entrepreneurs put the processes and people in place to scale and grow so that things run whether they are there or not. There’s…

45 Black Podcasts to Get Hooked On from BlackExcellence.com

  (Of the 45, The Culture Soup Podcast nabbed #13) If it took a pandemic for you to seek out some black podcasts to listen to, shame on you! If you’re just looking to add to your already impressive list of black podcasts, then welcome! Podcasts have had an incredible decade in the 2010s. Their popularity has grown to such an immense level that starting a new podcast…

Zapier: How a leadership development advisor went from corporate America to successful business owner

by Deb Tennen L. Michelle Smith is a writer. But she’s also a speaker, a podcast host and executive producer, a consultant, a brand partner, and an executive coach. It’s a lot to juggle, yes, but it’s also what ended up saving her business. In her journey from corporate America to business owner, she learned an important lesson: you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. It was…

NSC Personal Brand Builder JetPack Group Coaching

Now may not seem like the right time to invest in your personal brand, but it is actually the EXACT time to do so. If the marketplace was competitive before, it’s 10xs more so.  With millions filing for unemployment, big businesses laying off and cutting back and no real end to the health crisis and economic unrest in sight. I’m a serial entrepreneur.  I launched my first agency…

Are you editing yourself, Sis?

  Are you editing yourself at work? Is there something you need to say, but won’t? Fear of being labeled something negative if you do? But that thing you need to say is in your self interest? How will that thing happen if it is never said? Are you actually hurting yourself more by not saying it? What’s the risk? How can you square off with that risk…

Small Businesses: Are you being tested? Support is here.

To my entrepreneurs… How are you doing? That’s a real question. I want to know. These are unprecedented times. For small businesses, it’s been extremely trying. What can you do? Whatever you believe you might need to do, you need a smart plan of attack to get started. There are 5 important questions you’ll need to ask yourself in order to kickstart this accelerated planning process. I have…

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