L. Michelle Smith

Power Relationships eBook

    This special download is yours for free.  You will learn tips on how to build linear and 360 relationships to become a world class leader. Download your your free copy HERE.

Ep 3: The Social Media for Social Good Guru
He is the man who wrote the book on social media for social good.  During a time where negativity seems to constantly swirl on social media, you'll want to hear what Chris Strub is doing to bring sunshine back to your newsfeeds all while helping people in need.
#OperaWeek: Bringing Inclusion to the Opera

This bonus episode is offered in celebration of the final day of Opera Week, 2018. It is also special because the conversation is also on YouTube uncut, and can be seen exclusively at http://theculturesoup.com.

Ep 2:  Dawn of The Creators #BlackExcellence

Jaylen Bledsoe, CEO of Bledsoe Global Group became a millionaire by the age of 15. He has been making millions for his client ever since! Talk about #blackexcellence!  And we will.  Find out what Black Single Mom Magic has to do with it! It drops Nov 1. If you are still new to this, listen and subscribe. #theculturesouppodcast

[Inside Podcasting] Lists The Culture Soup Among the “Anything But Boring” Business Podcasts

One of the industry’s leading podcasting resources featured the Black Enterprise article 3 Things to Expect and 3 Hacks When Launching Your Podcast in their daily e-newsletter.  It also referenced The Culture Soup among a handful of business podcasts that “are anything but boring.” Check out the newsletter and be sure to subscribe!

3 Things to Expect and 3 Hacks for Launching Your Podcast

After much consideration, I finally decided to launch a podcast to share the great conversations and stories of well-known thought leaders and some emerging ones whom I can very proudly call friends. Podcasts have become wildly popular these days, so I’ve thrown my hat into the ring. The Culture Soup Podcast launched Thursday, Oct. 25, and it is available on all the popular podcast platforms. I gave myself a…

The Queen of Soul’s Favorite Soprano–Audrey DuBois Harris

Our premier episode features the story of The Queen of Soul’s Favorite Soprano. Aretha loved Puccini as much as she loved church music and soul, and when she discovered Audrey DuBois Harris mixing classical and gospel on a TV show one day, she just had to contact her. Her heart-felt performance at Franklin’s funeral was one last request fulfilled for The Queen’s family, and when you rewatch with…

The Preamble Episode

Getting to know you…getting to know all about you.  This episode provides context and background on the show, the show’s creator and host and what to expect when the show drops Thursday, Oct 25!  That’s in only 2 Days!  Are you subscribed?  Listen up… and tell a friend to come along for the journey.

A Lesson on Microaggressions in Two Languages at the Local Deli

Like many people, I occasionally wear shirts or tops with words on them.  I enjoy them.  Especially when I’m relaxed after work or on the weekends when the corporate uniform is put to rest for a bit.  And I, like many people, usually know the meaning of those words.  In fact, I recall my mother once telling me to always know what the  words and brands that I…

L Michelle Smith Ranks No.3 On List of Best Female Speakers in Social Media and Marketing

56 Female Speakers You Should Put on Stage, and Why October 14, 2018, Chris Strub Some people say 2018 is the ‘year of the woman,’ but 2019 should be the year that women get their due on stage at traditionally male-dominated marketing events nationwide. I’ve been extremely blessed to present at over a dozen marketing events over the last couple of years, and although the speaker mix still…

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