Business Trends

Receive a FREE #NoThanks Digital Tool Kit with Purchase of No Thanks Paperback
I don' t know about you, but when I purchase a book, I like to know the behind the scenes stories and even the added insights from the author that may not be in the book. I know that when the author actually appears on the screen and speaks to me, it makes the original work so much more meaningful. I'm doing that for people who purchase the…
BONJORO: How an executive coach increased conversions by 10% on high-ticket sales

When you are talking about elite performers, from executives at CNN to leaders at Microsoft, where do they go when they hit a plateau? Typically we look to our organization’s leaders when we feel stuck… But what if you are the organization’s leader? Well, then you might just want to connect with L. Michelle Smith. L. Michelle is a pioneering executive coach, CEO of No Silos Communication and her accolades could fill…

No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself Shows Professional Women of Color How to Shift their Mindsets, ‘Flip Privilege’  and Bet on Themselves on the Way to the C-Suite

The Guide to Rockstar Leadership for Women of Color in the Workplace Provides Seven Affirmations, Coaching and Seasoned Insights from Author L. Michelle Smith’s Career Story as a Fortune 10 Ex-Pat and Serial Entrepreneur   DALLAS, TX Aug.10, 2020—What if women of color, especially Black women not only understood their value, but how to leverage it in order to climb to executive leadership?  That question is core to the new…

What Does Rappers Delight have to do with Rockstar Leadership?

Sis, we have rockstar leadership qualities in our DNA. We simply need to tap into them! Sylvia Robinson demonstrated all the qualities, and most people don’t know her story. She took hip-hop mainstream when she produced Rappers Delight in one take in her makeshift home studio with talent plucked the same day from a pizza joint. It was the first commercial rap single to hit the airwaves. We…

NEW BOOK: No Thanks, 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself
A Guide to Rockstar Leadership for Women of Color in the Workplace Order the Kindle Edition Now "I've launched my new book, No Thanks, 7 Ways to Say I'll Just Include Myself: A Guide to Rockstar Leadership for Women of Color in the Workplace.  If you are an ambitious and  overqualified woman of color, you can probably relate to and need this book."-- L. Michelle Smith   Get your Branded…
Fake Eagles in the Midst?  You need a powerful Tribe, Sis.

    Did you know that there are small-minded people in very high places? You may have encountered one or two. They have self-serving motivations. They don’t understand you. Some don’t like you, simply because you soar with excellence. They will fool you. They smile at you, even have small talk in the elevator. As you are busy not minding the chickens in the coop, be aware that…

Creating Content That Sells Webinar

FREE TRAINING: CREATING CONTENT THAT SELLS Content is the fuel that keeps this social media engine going. As such, for those of you who leverage content to sell your services or your insights, it can be difficult coming up with fresh ideas. During this free webinar,  I will teach you how to create content that converts no matter what social media platform you’re on. Join the BRANDPRENUER community this Thursday, July 16,…

Zapier: How a leadership development advisor went from corporate America to successful business owner

by Deb Tennen L. Michelle Smith is a writer. But she’s also a speaker, a podcast host and executive producer, a consultant, a brand partner, and an executive coach. It’s a lot to juggle, yes, but it’s also what ended up saving her business. In her journey from corporate America to business owner, she learned an important lesson: you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. It was…

NSC Personal Brand Builder JetPack Group Coaching

Now may not seem like the right time to invest in your personal brand, but it is actually the EXACT time to do so. If the marketplace was competitive before, it’s 10xs more so.  With millions filing for unemployment, big businesses laying off and cutting back and no real end to the health crisis and economic unrest in sight. I’m a serial entrepreneur.  I launched my first agency…

Are you editing yourself, Sis?

  Are you editing yourself at work? Is there something you need to say, but won’t? Fear of being labeled something negative if you do? But that thing you need to say is in your self interest? How will that thing happen if it is never said? Are you actually hurting yourself more by not saying it? What’s the risk? How can you square off with that risk…

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