To my entrepreneurs… How are you doing? That’s a real question. I want to know. These are unprecedented times. For small businesses, it’s been extremely trying. What can you do? Whatever you believe you might need to do, you need a smart plan of attack to get started. There are 5 important questions you’ll need to ask yourself in order to kickstart this accelerated planning process. I have…
L. Michelle Smith will be joining the lineup of speakers at the D CEO Women’s Leadership Symposium, July 15-16. This year’s event is extra special because it is headlined by two of her former “clients” in the business at AT&T: Anne Chow and Cynt Marshall who is returning to the stage as CEO of Dallas Mavericks. LMS has been invited to host a breakout session for VIP ticket holders based on her…
We have an interesting relationship with the word no. We don’t know when to use it for ourselves. We hate to see it coming when it is headed our way. ✅ WE MUST EXPECT THEM. No is a game of numbers. In life, in sales, in relationships, the nos will always outnumber the yesses. This isn’t an invitation to be pessimistic. It’s an opportunity to be optimistically realistic.…
More than a year ago, I set out as a credentialed executive & business coach, on a mission to support women, women of color in their efforts to lead in a fractured digital economy and a workplace that sees us as outsiders. So it stands to reason that as part of my “tech, culture and business” value proposition which is deeply rooted in my story, I’d come for the…
Thank you to @dallasweekly and @979thebeat for honoring me in this way. Tune in Saturday for their weekly feature “She Represents” where I speak to DJ Jazze Radio Chica about what I do and how entrepreneurs can weather the storm during a crisis like this. It airs first thing Saturday morning, and you can listen locally on the radio and internationally online. Following that, The Dallas Weekly will…
Black-Owned Businesses You Can Support in North Texas ARIA BELL | JUNE 18, 2020 | 4:00AM The COVID-19 pandemic has given the nation a chance to observe, reflect, mobilize and unite to end systemic racism. While there are many ways to get involved with social reform organizations and to plan and prepare for protesting, one significant way to uplift black communities is by shopping locally at black-owned establishments. We’ve put together a list of black-owned businesses…
Now may not seem like the right time to invest in your personal brand, but it is actually the EXACT time to do so. If the marketplace was competitive before, it’s 10xs more so. With millions filing for unemployment, big businesses laying off and cutting back and no real end to the health crisis and economic unrest in sight. I’m a serial entrepreneur. I launched my first agency…
BY ALEX EDWARDS • JUN 12, 2020 Earlier this year, Texas was ranked as the No. 2 state for Black entrepreneurs to build a business. While there are many factors that make the state, and Dallas-Fort Worth, a great place for founders of color—camaraderie, opportunity, economic incentives—there’s still a ways to go when it comes to inclusion. Those issues are evermore apparent in the current state of…