Business Trends

Ep 101: TCSP The Coaching Corner: What Does the Civil Rights Movement Mean for the Workplace?  Pt 1
      The winds of change are blowing.  How will we take this opportunity to change the corporate workplace for the better?  I explore it in this episode of the Coaching Corner.
It really isn’t ours to fix

If a domestic abuse victim survives, is the burden on the victim to explain and correct the problem of the abuse? Or do you protect them and provide a safe haven so they can heal and get on with their lives? You’ll agree that it is on someone with more power to address the abuse, and if they can, shut down the abuser. … Companies… as you lean…

Leading Through the Movement
As we realize this is more than a moment, nestled in middle of a pandemic, it’s important for leaders to be armed with tools to be the best you can be when your people need you most. So I’ve developed a series of digital content to support you.  I’ll continue to add to this body of work as we live through this historic moment.  The goal is to…
What if they aren’t hearing me?

On @theculturesoup, @jarretthill and I discussed how there are so many allies who are articulating so beautifully why All Lives Matter shouldn’t be the retort to Black Lives Matter. There are all sorts of analogies swirling on the interwebs. You’ve heard them all: ✅ The one house on fire ✅ The dinner table where one person isn’t served ✅ The breast cancer event where someone asks why not…

What will you actually DO to impact real change for black employees?

  I usually begin my messages with storytelling, and while I could tell any number of stories of my experience with discrimination in Corporate America, I want to humanize this message by focusing the discussion on you–the leader who actually has some decision- making power to do something about the black employee experience in your workplace. I’ll start by asking this question: How will you move this important…

5 Ways to Lead with Tech in a Fractured Digital Age

WATCH: Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day– Lead with Tech. A couple nuggets for you in the video, but I’ve also highlighted what I shared with leaders at the Opera America Conference last week as we explored Technologies and Their Impact for OPERA America. If you want to lead as a brand or an individual, here are 5 Simple Questions to connect and engage with tech that will…

5 Ways Leaders Can Prepare for What’s Next After Covid-19

  I had a wonderful time engaging with 100 of the Executive Leadership Council’s finest mid-level and executive managers from Fortune 500s from across the country when I hosted an online workshop that blended coaching and training that focused on preparing them for life and work after Covid-19. I provided five cornerstones to navigate and lead through what’s next with this pandemic and I also provided a hierarchy…

Ep 98: Leading with Tech in Opera, Marc Scorca CEO Opera America et al

  When a global pandemic hits, things change, and they can for the better if you just put your mind to it.  Five of technology, business and opera’s finest minds discuss how covid-19 will bend but not break because it is determine to lead with technology and not just use it as an “in the meantime” tool.  This fascinating discussion is applicable to any industry or business plotting…

Mompreneurs Discuss How They’re Making It Work Amidst a Pandemic

BY LAUREN HAWKINS • MAY 18, 2020 Since 2018, The DEC Network has teamed up with Capital One, which is the WEDallas founding partner and title sponsor, on the WEDallas Mompreneur event. Despite the ongoing pandemic, the two organizations still hosted the annual event—this time as a virtual happy hour.  As always, the event centered on being both a mom and a business owner, but this year’s event had…

The 30 Minute Mentor Gives Way to NSC eLearning

ANNOUNCING: NSC eLearning, the rebrand of The 30 Minute Mentor which started in 2018 as my flagship learning and mentoring platform. NSC Coaching & Consulting offers e-learning in the form of webinars, masterclasses.. audiocasts and audio conferences and other digital content. Full online courses will be offered within weeks. We can also tailor live, in-person masterclasses for your business or organizations. Click here to book a time to…

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