Business Trends

5 Tried-and-True Ways to Build Great Business Relationships

(Image: iStock/mapodile) Building business relationships that will propel your career does not come naturally to most. Face it: superficial networking leaves some professionals wondering what could be a better use of their time. What is required in building great business relationships is having great people skills. Before you say to yourself, “I have that,” are you wondering what to do with all the business cards you’ve collected? Does LinkedIn still have…

5 Keys to Power Rapport Building for Networking

Networking is all the rage, but if you’re introverted, the idea of meeting someone cold is not appealing. So how do you optimize a brief meeting with a prospect, an industry colleague, or potential employer? In these popular speed-networking events, 5 minutes may be all the face time you get to establish a rapport — which, let’s face it, is the very beginnings of a relationship. However, it is the very foundation…

“Un-networking” for Those Who Hate the Thought of the Other Word

Not long ago, I received a call from the chief of staff (CoS) of an officer at my company, inviting me to speak to her mentoring circle about networking. Now if you are like me, I shun the idea of classic networking. I believe that I have something in my DNA that is just simply diametrically opposed to the idea. I just wasn’t built for it. I’m certain…

What Chicken Fries Have to Do With It
Working at a nonprofit can sometimes feel like a thankless job. Having worked with countless executive directors, along side them on boards or even as an agency partner, I've heard the stories. I've seen many local organizations open and close, unfortunately. Marketing is key to their success. Without awareness, there'll be no donors, volunteers or corporate sponsors; and that speaks directly to the bottom line. This is why…

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