Business Trends

She’s Walking into the C-Suite Now with Her Head up High

Headline:  She’s Walking into the C-Suite Now with her head up high and her nails painted a beautiful bright blue. Industry: Healthcare How it was: When we first met, her primary concern was getting to the C-Suite, but how to do that in the fullness of who she was. On the journey: She was “voluntold” to lead a diversity committee, she eventually opted out keeping her eye on…

Are you controlling or being controlled?

If you are a woman, chances are that the answer could be “both-and.” Did you know that as a woman and especially a woman of color, you may be predisposed to controlling behavior? Whether that means someone attempts to control you, or you tend to control others, recent stats show that men and women are more than likely to identify their most micromanaging boss as female (Gallup). It…

Coming Soon: The journal that puts in the real work

*Coming Soon* It’s the journal that puts in the real work. Introducing Slay Everyday: 52 Weeks to Rockstar Leadership. It’s a companion to the No Thanks books. Available Jan 2022. Isn’t it time that you mapped out your plan to senior leadership and put it to action, Sis? It’s culturally nuanced, especially for the largest intersectional group out there: women. And it’s guidance from someone who’s lived it…

How L. Michelle Smith is Empowering Women of Color in the Workplace

L. Michelle Smith—CEO and founder of no silos communications, a local tech-enabled media, content, talent development and strategic communications firm—believes women of color have been left out because they have not had access to the tools that most people inside of corporations have been afforded. She’s here to offer them, for free, in her new book: “No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself.” BY ALYSSA…

LMS explains her WHY on Perspectives with Candace Pressley

This photo is one of my favorites. It was taken at the last NABJ convention that I attended in person in Miami. It was actually the first time I had seen Condace Pressley in person as well. It had been a very long time. It was brief, but we were sure to snap this picture, and I held onto it! You want to listen in on this two-part…

How do you activate your tribe?

It’s one thing to assemble your tribe. It’s quite another to activate them on your behalf. How do you do that? Today’s #NSCRockstarleadership Tip of the Day shares one way: develop an innovative platform that will excite and inspire them to get behind you. This accomplishes a at least five things that will benefit your forward motion to executive leadership: 1) Getting behind your inspiring platform signals that…

Who’s In Charge?

“I was going to, but I keep being blindsided by all these meetings!” You may said this yourself. You know, you tried to carve out some white space…that crucial time that you set aside just to think, meditate, strategize, re-center or plan your leadership journey…but the people swirling around you seem to sabotage it. Guess what…you have far more control than you think. Set boundariesActively communicate your availability…

A bad apple in your basket?

Some lessons in life are also lessons in business. Guard access to yourself. Not everyone has your best interest in mind. Motive matters, and not everyone is transparent about theirs. 🔥Ask yourself: what’s their why?🔥Watch to see if their actions align with their words.🔥Notice who doesn’t cheer when you have wins.🔥Accept that some people will see your sharing wins as boasting because they don’t take time to really…

Thrive Global compares No Thanks premise to Microsoft CEO’s thinking

Clearly, when a journalist compares your thinking to that of the CEO of Microsoft, you’re probably on to something! Thank you Thrive Global, for likely the most thoughtful piece on my book #NoThanks yet. Indeed… solve for Black women…solve for everyone. “L. Michelle Smith, an author, professional speaker and a certified executive & business coach, sat down with me a few weeks ago to speak specifically about the…

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