Business Trends

Are you undercutting your credibility?

You’re finally getting called on to do the “sexy stuff.” You know, you’re beginning to get a bit of the exposure that most experts say will propel your career because your personal brand is finally being amplified. Let me tell you, these grand gestures can be like a drug, if you allow them to be. They will lead you to believe that you are finally being accepted, included…

Zapier: “Make a TikTok, Not a Commercial” — LMS

Are you still trying to crack the nut on #TikTok? Looking at my newsfeed, I’ll venture to say, “Yes.” No shade, Sis. I’m here to help.I sat down with my brand partners and clients at @zapier recently to share some insights. You can find the full story at do social media training for corporate executives, university officials, non profit officers and business large and small. Reach out…

RadioONE:  Not Everyone is Thrilled to Head Back to Work, but Here’s What You Can Do

Returning to the office is one of the hot topics right now among companies and professionals. Let’s face it. Not everyone is thrilled about it. Your point of view on it may depend on who you are. For many Black women, the thought of returning to the office environment isn’t as simple as finally returning to a quiet workspace conducive to getting things done. Actually. the pandemic and…

BLAVITY: Now is the perfect time for Black Women to find their Seat in the C-Suite

  Now is the perfect time for Black Women to find their Seat in the C-Suite. I said what I said. In fact, this is my very first op-ed to be published ever, and I’m thrilled that Blavity Inc. provided the space for this important commentary. How can she take her place in the C-Suite? One sure-fire way to the top is to build your business-building skills, income…

Dress the part now, Sis!

First impressions are only part of it. And while, many women of color concern themselves what they wear and whether to be natural or not, the ultimate concern should be a matter of this: Are you ready to lead and are you already demonstrating it? In No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself, The Remix, I tell the story of how my mother, who was…

No Thanks, The Remix on DeDe In the Morning

I made a prediction lately that when 2020 Census data is released about the number of Black women business owners, we will see another surge in the stats that already had us opening more businesses than any other group. That’s primarily because women/moms were forced out of the job market to handle home management and students, but also because women in corporate are starting side hustles more than…

No Thanks, The Remix Now Available Exclusively on Amazon

When I decided to release a bonus edition, I thought about everything that had happened in our world since Aug 2020 when #NoThanks was first released and what learnings and coaching I could provide to my sisters that was relevant to what was happening in the world. I also took into consideration what I was hearing from readers. After hosting two twelve-week bookclubs, speaking to hundreds of professionals…

Who is standing in the way of your happiness?

“If only this person would stop…“If only that person would let…“If only my company did…I could be happy.” Really? But this is how many of us think. I had to shift my mindset to understand that I was the only person standing in the way of my happiness. Sis, you can’t even blame your ex. Why is this important? Happy people are successful people. You want to be…

Unseen. Unheard. How will you change that?

On my most recent venture out on the trails, my daughter and I headed out to a nearby state park. Because of recent rains, the normal trails were closed, but the park ranger said that we could venture onto some not-so-traditional trail that wound through an old farm property. Here I am at Penn Farm in Cedar Hill, State Park. It was a beautiful day, and my daughter…

How to handle Mansplaining and Whitesplaning As it Happens

Mansplaining and Whitesplaining happen in broad daylight in rooms, virtual or not. There are witnesses. So how is it that so many people get away with it? Is anyone willing to step up and face this phenomenon head on? One of the main reasons why we don’t speak up for ourselves and others is because we don’t have a plan. Planning is your No. 1 way to tackle the…

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