Business Trends

ZAPIER: 3 Ways to Gear Up for More Change

I remember it clearly. I was planning our annual spring break quest to Disney, just me and my 8-year-old. But when my current events question of the day for my strategic communications writing students turned to the evacuation of a cruise ship off the coast of Italy, and then to the canceling of SXSW in Austin, I knew that unprecedented change was upon us. It was hard to…

7+ Deep Questions to Connect with Your Dreams

If you’ve read my new book No, Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself, you may have noticed that it opens with me recalling a dream I had in graduate school. There were six things on a list that I said I would do once I gained the credibility, credentials, contacts and confidence to move on those items. If you have been following or reading, you…

Carve out some dedicated time for your goals once a day

  High performing executives are so busy killing it for everyone else, that many times they forget to direct that same energy into goals for themselves. Try carving out 20 minutes a day to focus on those things that will move you forward, and see what a difference it makes. Sign up for the NSC Spring Cleaning Group Coaching that kicks of Monday, April 12, 2021. We’ll take…

Ready to Refresh Your Leadership Aspirations and Get After It?

You cast the vision at the beginning of the year. Some of you even fasted and prayed over your desires to move forward and move up in business. How’s it going so far? By June, will you have met your halfway mark on your goals for 2021? If the answer is somewhat or no, I want to invite you to experience that will supercharge your efforts, removing the…

What Would Jim Do? 6 Ways to Do for You When Negotiating Your Salary #EqualPayDay

It’s #EqualPayDay! Let’s ask for what we’re worth, but that requires that you do something for you! Here are the stats if you wondered. Women and women of color still have a way to go, but here are 6 ways to do something for yourself to ensure that you remain competitive and always ready to negotiate: 1) Don’t wait to have this conversation during your once a year…

…Tackling Imposter Syndrome as a Black Woman in HR

How Zapier Director of Compensation Jocelyne Wright-McLemore Is Tackling Imposter Syndrome as a Black Woman in HR by Kathrine Plumhoff/PowerToFly Jocelyne Wright-McLemore has a sticky note that she looks at every day: “I’m overqualified and I can do this.” Zapier‘s Director of Compensation put that sticky note up shortly after she rolled out a big new project at the online automation company and received some critical feedback on…

How Do Women Move Forward Now?

Experts say that women were one of the hardest hit by fall out from the pandemic in the U.S. According to one of the latest job reports, women were 100% of the thousands of job losses, with the weight of caregiving and online school weighing heavily on them.  But with our country showing initial signs of opening up again—vaccines, businesses cautiously reopening, some to full capacity and mask…

6 Ways to Be a Better Advocate for Your Sisters #InternationalWomensDay
Being an advocate for women is even sweeter on a day like today. It’s great to honor women past and present for what they do or have done, but what will you do to advocate for your sisters today? I’ve written extensively about how women can and do play into the male power center by othering one another. Here are 6 ways that you can ensure that you…
It’s a job, not a marriage.

Where does treating your relationship with your company like a marriage get you? . ❌You discuss looking into other positions like it is creeping, and that not looking around is an act of righteousness. ❌You only share company related posts on LinkedIn as if sharing other content is unfaithful. ❌ You won’t entertain recruiters and interview like it’s extra marital. ❌ You treat your current position as if…

Zapier: Six Ways to Turn Followers into Believers and Create Social Media Content That Sells

The year was 2008, and my agency team was attempting to convince a couple large brands to try social media as part of their strategic communications plan. It was tough. Platforms like Twitter had only been live for about a year, and many of the marketing clients wanted to know how they’d be able to track sales from their activities. Still others pointed to bigger brands that hadn’t…

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