My dad would say this: why would you bring a knife to a gun fight? Hearing about how when a Black leader who values DEI enters the C-Suite… I’m talking either the top spot or a direct reporting officer (DRO) their direct reporting teams become diverse and fairly quickly, confirmed for me that my theory that DEI needs to be rethought and reimplemented is true and more urgent…
We’re kicking off a series that will take us into fall… The Culture Soup Podcast®️ presents A C-Suite Chat, where we highlight voices from my new book, Yes Please! 7 Ways to Say I’m Entitled to the C-Suite. This episode, we are featuring Dr. Kecia M. Kelly, SVP and Chief Nursing Officer at one of the largest healthcare networks in the nation. Dr. Kelly and I discuss intentional…
It’s been a while since I did any endorsements, but this one… well, this is a product that I’ve had a long relationship with and I’m grateful to be a part of this long-term relationship. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been in business nearly five years, and from the start, I’ve utilized 17hats as my business operations, collaboration and CRM platform. As most small businesses begin, I…
We’re opening our doors to you! REGISTER and Click “Classes” You can still register for the SOAR Women’s Leadership Open House. Sign up for this FREE 30-minute session with Coach L. Michelle that will reveal what SOAR is all about. During the Open House, you’ll get an inside look at everything the SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy has to offer: Dive into the syllabus Peek in on our…
You’re cordially invited to the SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy Open House for the Fall 2023 cohort. Mark your calendars for July 18th at 11 a.m. CT because we’re throwing open our virtual doors just for you. The SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy Open House is your exclusive opportunity to explore how our program can empower you as a leader, build your skills, and enhance your adaptability in this rapidly…
Did you know that being happy can have a profound impact on your leadership journey? There are science-based reasons for intentional happiness, especially for leaders like yourself. 🌟 Improved Decision-Making: Happiness positively influences cognitive abilities, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving skills. Studies have shown that happy individuals exhibit higher levels of creativity and critical thinking. (Source: Harvard Business Review) 🌟 Enhanced Resilience: When you intentionally cultivate happiness,…
You couldn’t make it? We’ve got you! This special episode is dual streamed and sponsored by The Culture Soup Podcast®️ and PR Yourself Podcast with Leah Frazier who is my guest host for this show. It is an audio-only replay of the DFW Book Signing for Yes Please! 7 Ways to Say I’m Entitled to the C-Suite, recorded before a live audience, those who attended the signing and…
Perspectives S35/Ep26: Yes Please! 7 Ways to Say I’m Entitled to the C-Suite In YES PLEASE!, author, CEO and certified executive and personal coach L. Michelle Smith draws upon positive psychology, neuroscience, and the experiences of high-performing professional Black women, including herself, to reveal the seven secrets for success for the “double disadvantaged” in senior executive leadership positions, most notably tapping into positive emotion. Her book emphasizes the…