Get your copy of Yes Please! now.
Caught in the act—doing the work—in Pittsburg, PA, moderating an opening plenary about the changing workplace post pandemic at Opera Conference with a panel of amazing leaders, some of them clients, and a packed ballroom of thousands. I love what I do. Your leaders and your business are under increased pressures in business, demands at home and our current cultural context. They need insights, strategies and inspiration that…
Dear friends… When I decided to write Yes Please! 7 Ways to Say I’m Entitled to the C-Suite, I had one mission in mind: to explore the emotional state of women of color especially Black women in the corporate realm and explore what it actually takes to weather the challenges that more often than not weed most of them out of the leadership pipeline on the way to…
Just 2 more days until the worldwide release of my next book, Yes Please! 7 Ways to Say I’m Entitled to the C-Suite. I’m in such deep gratitude to “America’s Psychologist” Dr. Jeff Gardere, the licensed, clinical psychologist for endorsing my book by penning the foreword. Some of you know the powerful impact that having a therapist and a coach in your corner makes on your leadership ascent. Well,…
Join the Live Multistream on Jun 15! 📆 It’s hard to believe that there are only 3 more days until the worldwide release of my next book, Yes Please! 7 Ways to Say I’m Entitled to the C-Suite! And you want to know how real it’s getting? I spent the morning with two of my favorite people, preparing for the multi-streaming event on Thursday, launch day, Jun 15.…
Hey, DFW… I call you home, so you go first. I’m pleased to announce that WFAA-TV’s Cleo Greene (@cleogreene_tv) will grace the platform with me for a fireside chat about my new book Yes Please! 7 Ways to Say I’m Entitled to the C-Suite at the ever-so-dope venue BLACKLIT bookstore in Dallas, Texas. I’ll do a little reading. We’ll do a little chatting…you know, just moving the needle…