
How to secure a sponsor

Have 10-20 years experience under your belt and are at least at the director level? Let’s talk sponsorship! In this 6-part series on Assembling and Activating Your Tribe, I discuss all the components of your personal board of directors to make it effective and how to activate it. Today, I drop two tips–how to initiate getting sponsors on board, and, conversely, how to make it happen more organically.…

Do you give yourself credit? Or are you making yourself small?

  Shrink. When you think about it, you didn’t come up with that notion at work. It’s a part of corporate culture. In fact, the word corporate means “one body,” so it only makes sense that it has been ingrained in you that being a standout is ultimately frowned upon. Shining is a no go, right? What a direct conflict to the word leadership. Recently, my client work…

What to do about your low self esteem

Constantly telling yourself you’re inadequate? Engage mindfulness to boost your confidence. Today’s #NSCJournalPrompt has a question to get you started. Check out more tips from this article from the U.K.

Workplace trauma lurking in your subconscious?

Did you know that forgiveness is a powerful tool in leadership arsenal? You discuss the merits on Sundays and sometimes even Wednesday night, but why haven’t you allowed it into your workplace? I speak with clients everyday who are taking on new roles, but expressing angst about moving forward based on something that happened to them in the past. So we work on what it takes to truly…

Are your positive affirmations not quite curling over?

They could be your undoing. “Wait, what, LMS??” You say. I know. All of my content engages positive psychology with positive affirmations as a core tool. I’ve included them as the very basis of my books as an effective way to overcome some of the negative self-talk that causes leaders to get stuck. So, yes, I believe in them. And yes, they could make things worse if you…

Grinding instead of dreaming?

  Remember those dreams, my Sister. Take a break from the grind, and reclaim them. Today’s #NSCJournalPrompt helps jumpstart that process. The number of women and women of color at the helm of the Fortune 500 does not reflect the heft of our true aspirations. It’s time that it did. Get on my books.

Do you let the Internet get into your head?

  Who else is exhausted with the Internet relationship gurus and all their advice? 🙄 👻 Ghosting 🍞 Breadcrumbing 💣 Love bombing 👩‍❤️‍👨 Attachment styles 📈 High-value-this 📉 Low-value-that 🦁 Alpha Males (*huge eye-roll*) 🧲 Feminine v. Masculine Energy 🤪 Narcissists 🪄 Manifest this… 🪄 Manifest that… You can ever see tarot cards flying… Tik Tok seems to have sprouted a garden variety of so-called relationship experts and…

Don’t quit, Sis.

They are banking on you getting tired if you aren’t pushed out first. And perhaps you’re settling into the fact that the road to senior executive leadership or the C-Suite is hard. It is. It isn’t for the faint of heart, but the numbers of women and women of color spewing out of the middle of the leadership pipeline is staggering. It is the reason why there are…

Want to communicate like a boss?

Want to speak with authority? Keep it brief. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day is all about how saying less with more can move you further faster in your leadership aspirations. Brevity is powerful. Here are some tips for spoken and written communications to hold their attention.

A little fuzzy on your goals?

  Want to know how to get clear on your goals? You must be thoughtful, which means you need to set aside time to really consider what you want to do. Remember not to delve into what it will take to achieve the goal prematurely–that’s planning, and you want to allow yourself to dream so that you won’t set limits on the potential to soar. I’m placing a…

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