
How to Control The Boogieman in Your Inbox

Admit it… you’ve felt it. Email dread is real. I never will forget being at the airport on my way to a speaking engagement. I was attempting to get centered on my message before boarding a flight, and there it was. It was an email from my boss, who I liked a lot; but, he was carrying news from his boss, and she had concerns—about a meeting that…

Living with intent can get you places!

Is your biggest flex that you’ve never actually sought a role in your career…people just came to you? I can relate. About 90% of the positions in my career were “taps on the shoulder.” But is this really a way to live? You’re excellent, don’t get me wrong, but what if you took that excellence and moved with a little intent? I’m not talking about making a move…

How measures make your accomplishments matter

How are you doing against your goals? It isn’t that you aren’t meeting or exceeding them. You’re slaying everyday. It’s that you haven’t communicated the impact… You need measures. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership tip of the day focuses on two ways to make your accomplishments mean something—not only to you, but to the decision-makers and gatekeepers who can help move you closer to the C-Suite. And our focus is on…

Is it really imposter syndrome you are feeling?

Imposter syndrome has become a popular catch-all phrase for all sorts of self-doubt. But is what you are feeling really imposter syndrome? Let’s take a moment to talk about your confidence without all the trendy, arm-chair psychology that has become popular on the Internet and at women’s conferences. The term itself has been around since the 70s, but sometimes what you are feeling is simply a lack of…


Is the intentional experience people have with you. Everything you do to ensure it is simply an expression of it or an amplification of it. Your goal is to produce loyalty. Surprisingly, you can actually accomplish this with limited awareness. So if you only have three followers, it’s about them being true believers and if they are willing to jump into action for you—beyond likes and comments. What…

Global DE & I Summit (October 11-15)

  To all the FHamily in my social media community, I’m looking forward to making a little history with you at your first-ever Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit Oct 11-15. I’ll be sharing on two days at this internal event—Oct 12 & 13— hosting what I’m planning to be two thoughtful, reflective and actionable leadership development sessions. That means I will speak twice, and you’ll get double the…

There really is only so much merchandising of your own work that you can do. You need to create buzz about your work, and allow influential people to carry the word about your good work in order to propel you into executive spaces. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day provides one strategy, the echo effect, that may help you create the kind of buzz about you that matters.…

Transition into the new gig like the rockstar leader you are

So many of my clients have landed new gigs within the last several months, and many of them are looking for ways to look smart within their first 90 days of transitioning. It is important to be intentional and have a plan. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip focuses on what to do while you’re still getting your footing, so you will look like the rockstar they hired you to be…

3 Ways Leaders Can Improve The Way They Communicate in Challenging Situations

This is especially important during times where much of the interactions we are having are virtual, and social and political issues arise at work—especially in a multigenerational and multicultural setting. The year was 2015, and I was working at a large company. It was about the time that marriage equality became the law of the land. My workspace was not private—it was one of those open spaces where…

Do you operate from a position of scarcity or abundance?

Do you operate from a position of scarcity or abundance? Now, I’m not into the trendy manifestation –that if you simply say it X times all of your problems will be solved. However, I do believe that faith plays a major role in how you prosper and your mindset is definitely key to that. If you operate from a scarcity mindset, you will anticipate the negative “what if”…

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