Whew… my sisters, we deal with a lot, don’t we? Turns out the stress of being a double-outsider on the job (Catalyst) has a physical impact on our health, and if that isn’t enough, even some of our beauty and eating habits are impacting our well being. Coach Gessie is on a crusade to inform women of everything that’s ailing them thanks to the power of the Internet,…
When Lamar Tyler sets his mind to something, it gets done, let me tell you! When I first met him and his lovely wife Ronnie, I was extremely impressed. Let me first say that the bloggers of today are not cut from the same cloth as the ones my teams first worked with in 2008…I’m talking about Lamar and Ronnie, Patrice Yursik, aka Afrobella, Luvvie Ajayi…I think you…
DALLAS, TX | HOUSTON, TX– (September 25, 2019) If you’ve logged onto Instagram and seen Houston television news anchor Shannon LaNier (@MrShannonLanier) in a dance off with his wife and three kids, you may not realize that he is also the sixth great grandson of President Thomas Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemings. Now, he wants to change that. The TV anchor with a platform focused on active…
It’s Easter, ya’ll! Especially when it comes to the resurgence and resurrection of black media in the digital age. The Internet has breathed new life into some of the older names in the media landscape and given birth to the younger players in the game. But you need to know strategy to survive, according to Rolling Out publisher and media titan Munson Steed. And these consumers are on…
CONTACT: L. Michelle Smith no silos communications group 469-523-1453 [email protected] CELEBRITY MAKEUP ARTIST AND “BEAUTYPRENEUR” MELISSA R. HIBBERT TAPS NO SILOS COMMUNICATIONS GROUP FOR BRAND MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS DALLAS, TX | LOS ANGELES, CA– (September, 16, 2019) An impeccable, timeless “glam” is only one thing you can expect when you call on Jamaican-born celebrity makeup artist Melissa R. Hibbert. You can also get “schooled” in business and…
LIFE’S A BEACH… or it’s a cabin in the mountains if you are my new friends Calvin L. Butts, Jr. and Carrington M. Carter of East Chop Capital. They are investing in real estate in some of the hottest vacation venues on the east coast, and business is booming! They are putting the human touch back into the popular AirBnB model, and their properties are some of the hottest tickets…
I’m off today. I’m still celebrating my birthday, but I wanted to take you back to one of my favorite episodes where a listener volunteered for laser coaching. We also shared a replay of the Women’s Opera Network webinar on networking. A rich discussion on both ends. Enjoy!
THIS IS META. Listen, this won’t be your surface conversation about D&I. This brother goes deep… and only the businesses who are serious about real change will even begin to understand where he’s coming from and how he is activating for real change. @jeffreylbowman and I see eye-to-eye on several things, and that is that real change starts from the inside out. Find out how his journey as…
Completely geeked to have this marketing legend on the show—fellow LEAD360 faculty member and downright world beater, Dorinda Walker You have GOT to hear her story. Talk about unprecedented resilience! It was a joy to discuss #blackwomensequalpayday, what happens when you brand shines too brightly for your employer and what really needs to happen at companies to ensure equity and inclusion… on tomorrow’s episode of The Culture Soup Podcast®️!…
This week, I dig into the crates to uncover a gem of a conversation between me and my girlfriend Valorie Burton. It’s a throwback to Ep 17 in February. It’s worth a revisit as you read her new book It’s About Time: Placing the Meaningful Over the Urgent. Enjoy!