How has the sports industry changed in this unprecedented time of societal, cultural and technological shifts?Sports is culture, and culture is sports, but recently, we have seen where some have suggested that sports has no voice in social issues, especially the racial ones. But more and more, we are seeing teams, players, executives and even leagues making their positions clear. Most recently, we’ve seen sports figures advocate for…
Thrilled to be re-elected to the @operaamerica board during Wednesday’s global meeting of directors…this time as an officer! I am now a board Co-Chair, as a member of the Executive Directors cabinet of four, close advisors. This next 3-year term will be exciting to usher the opera industry into a new and exciting era as we are moving to more hybrid and in-person interactions in the opera houses.…
Recognition is good, but ” …we have bigger fish to fry than a Juneteenth barbecue.” That was the core message I delivered live on CW33’s Morning After Show. Some other critical points: Know the history. Juneteenth originated in Texas because the Union soldiers came to state to finally tell the slaves that they were free–2 whole years after the emancipation proclamation. It was a slap in the face,…
First impressions are only part of it. And while, many women of color concern themselves what they wear and whether to be natural or not, the ultimate concern should be a matter of this: Are you ready to lead and are you already demonstrating it? In No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself, The Remix, I tell the story of how my mother, who was…
My brothers… Please be careful. You sound like the All Lives Matter crew when you question why Black Women require advocacy. You too can be an ally if you open your minds, and it would mean a lot. It’s amazing how many Black men get a little frazzled when they learn that I’m an advocate for women and women of color. They start asking questions like: “what about…
WHAT A DAY FOR WOMEN AND WOMEN OF COLOR!!! Yesterday, I joined millions of women who donned their pearls and “chucks” to watch the Inauguration. This was indeed a monumental moment. For the next four years, corporate environments will have a glimpse at what women of color can be—-rockstar leaders at the highest levels. We shouldn’t wait for them to realize it. Sis, we have to make the…
What a historic moment for our country with yesterday’s Inauguration Day! I was absolutely impressed with the young poet laureate who rendered verse at the ceremony. So much so that I tweeted about it, and reflected my conversation with my 8 year old daughter. The tweet about my and my daughter’s reaction to Amanda Gorman, including it with tweets from the amazing organizer and public figure Stacy Abrams…
If you read my new book No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself, you know there is a nice dash of Black Church culture in it and historical nuggets about my home church. Yes, that is who you think it is in the middle. Some of you will recognize the man on the right as the legendary and very young Dr. C.A.W. Clark. My parents…
If she only knew… Early on, she recognized how people spoke over her. Telling her what she should do, but she always ultimately plotted her own course. But she didn’t know her power, and that her story was not and wouldn’t be common. She played down her uniqueness because even in grade school, standing out had its consequences, even if it was simply that she looked different .…