
Ep 95: Telling the Stories for the Culture with Natasha S. Alford

There is power in the telling of a story. It’s even more powerful when it is personal and centers on culture. It’s the only kind of story @natashasalford tells, for herself and for @thegrio. She is the People’s Journalist and the Millennial Executive and on Thursday’s show, we discuss everything from how covid-19 is impacting black businesses, being black and Latina, her very own Coronavirus scare while managing…

Ep 94: Self Made with A’Lelia Bundles

SO MANY GEMS DROPPED! Did you know that Madam CJ Walker hosted one of her first Mary Kay-like conventions in 1917? Do you know what date that was in history? Just on the heels of the so-called “Spanish Flu” the only other pandemic in American history, and much like the #bossbabes of today, she had to weather the storm with her business during her era’s own #covid-19. Other…

Ep 93: #ThrowbackThursday My Tribute to Earl Graves, Sr. with Alfred Edmond, Jr.

YOU KNOW, I haven’t slown down since the slowdown. I canceled my daughter and my trip to Disney, but I never took the actual time off. I literally went into overdrive supporting people, their brands and their careers in light of Covid-19. But a conversation with my own mentor coach revealed that I needed some self care in a hurry. It seemed time to take a break, and…

Ep 88: How COVID-19 Is Impacting Your Relationships with Zara Green

When I asked Zara Green to come on the show, I had no clue that she had been exposed to COVID-19.  She is self quarantining with her husband, SVP of Digital at Black Enterprise, Alfred Edmond Jr.  She has a lot to say about how this crisis is impacting our relationships, every one of them.  Unless we understand our priorities and our temperament, our relationships are in trouble. …

Coach Yourself Through Covid-19
Editor’s Note: We are constantly updating this post with links to new resources in the sidebar to the right.  Come back often to see what’s new. Friend... We are indeed entering unchartered territory here with the spread of Coronavirus or covid-19.  Such uncertainty and fear can ultimately paralyze you. That is, it will if you allow it. When I began my coach training journey over a year ago, the one…
Ep 86: Coronavirus, Globalism and A Brand New World with Dr. Anantha Babbili

  There are people in your life that have such an amazing impact on you, that when it is happening you are aware, but as time passes and you look back, your mind is blown. Read: Coach YourSelf Through COVID-19.

Ep 83: Storytelling for the Culture with Christina Steed

She is the quiet storm behind some of the biggest multicultural integrated marketing and communications programs on the planet and what’s more she is my sisterfriend! She is an adjunct Professor at DePaul University and the creator and host of the @firstsoverforty podcast and she is a storyteller #fortheculture. We talk about the importance of multicultural marketing, developing your cultural intelligence, appropriation, @tiktok and so much more.

Ep 81: Getting Schooled on On School Love with Joseph “Rev Run” and Justine Simmons

Some guests don’t need an introduction, but they definitely deserve your attention. My conversationwith Rock N Roll Hall of Famer, Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award Winner , hip hop legend, adoring husband Joseph “Rev Run” Simmons and his lovely wife Justine Simmons is so awesome! We will talk about their new book #OldSchoolLove. It’s exactly what this world needs today. I know I am looking forward to it. These…

EP 80: #ThrowbackThursday: The Real Life Lessons of Football with Jacoby Jones

We’re throwing it back to last summer when I spoke with former Baltimore Raven standout Jacoby Jones who is now pouring into the young men at Lane College, an HBCU in Jackson, Tennessee.  It’s his alma mater, and its a great full-circle story.

Ep 78: Because Sometimes You Just Need to Call a Friend with Matt Stevens

Because there are times in life when you probably actually need therapy, but you simply call a friend to talk it out.  Whew!  This moment in time is one of them.  I have political pundit Matt Stevens on.  He’s a YouTuber, but more importantly, he’s my friend of more than 14 years.  He tries to help me untangle what on EARTH is happening in our country. May the…

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