The Hip-Pocket Coach

🌟 Introducing FlightPath by SOAR Academy – Your Clear, Guided Journey to Success 🌟

The best leaders don’t just rise—they soar.But flight isn’t accidental. It’s intentional. It requires clarity, direction, and the right conditions to lift off and stay aloft. That’s why I’m inviting you to join FlightPath @ SOAR Academy, a weekly newsletter designed to be your compass, your elevation, your edge. Each week, I’ll send you high-impact, evidence-based leadership strategies, practical advice, storytelling and updates on our latest courses, masterclasses,…

A little girl grew up to write empowering books for women

My dear cousin unearthed this in her parent’s home, long since unoccupied. She and her siblings were doing the heavy lifting of cleaning out their childhood home after the death of their mother, my aunt. Look what she found? A letter I wrote to her 42 years ago—dated 1982. I was code switching before I even knew the term. You see, my sister and I would spend many…

Are you navigating the Return to Office (RTO) and Back-to-School (BTS) demands?

Often, it’s the minor details that can easily throw you off balance – such as finding parking or securing a seat in these new “unassigned” workspaces. *SIGH* After that commute (the one you didn’t miss one bit), when you finally make it home, you’re undoubtedly exhausted. I completely relate. Now, ask yourself: How can I transform this season into a period of growth? (And always remember to advocate…

Celebrate YOU Journaling Exercise

Happy Valentines Day! It’s the perfect day to celebrate your love for others, but have you ever considered the importance of loving yourself as well?  Today, I shared tips on Instagram on how to do that.  Step one is setting boundaries, for others in your life, but also for yourself.  The second step is to celebrate your wins.  Enjoy the free audio journal prompt below that will take…

Want to make your positive affirmations even more potent?

Want to make your positive affirmations even more potent? We’ve learned that your brain needs proof to make them effective. For instance: I am smart BECAUSE…(add evidence from a past experience.) But if you are only saying them a few times and never revisiting them, those affirmations may not be working in your favor. Repetition is key. It’s the way our brain learns. After all, it is how…

Engaging Your Brain to Boost Your Positive Self-talk

You really can conquer self-doubt, but you will need to supercharge your positive self-talk by engaging your brain. Today’s #NSCJournalPrompt takes you through an exercise to ensure that your positive affirmations are hitting on all cylinders. Check out more on how your brain can make the difference in your goal getting and how affirmations activate the brain’s reward centers here.  

Did you know that you can create your own success?

Try making a little progress. According to neuroscience, progress begets motivation, which begets more progress. This is the core concept of The Progress Loop. If you find that the sheer thought of that big project or major goal causes you angst, try backing up a bit, chunking that plan into bits, and taking on a little at a time. You’ve heard that “baby steps moving forward” is not…

2021 Cyber Monday No Thanks Deal

Let’s celebrate the holidays with some upward mobility and an insane Cyber Monday deal. Download the ebook version of No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself for free and unlock the code to get The No Thanks Online Course & Discussion Guide for only $99 for a limited time. It is more than 4 hours of content drawn specifically from the bestselling book, No Thanks:…

Where does the money reside for the business minded?

  It’s impact over everything, SIs. You’re a business boss. You are focused on upward movement to senior executive leadership. If you are trying to be a social media influencer too, allow me to “unmuddy” the waters for you. As a business boss, your focus should be about generating impact that generates influence, not the other way around. God bless social media influencers, but their roles are quite…

What’s distracting you from what you really want?

Have you considered that achieving laser focus can be an act of kindness to yourself? In fact, it’s another form of radical self care because it allows you to prioritize the goals that are important to you and get them done. In fact, persistent distractions can be costly, to yourself, your life and your leadership aspirations. Think of it like this: if your goal is to be a…

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