In the Media

13 Steps Brands Must Take To Improve Diversity & Inclusion

The year was 2013. I was minding my own business, rocking my 3-month-old to sleep after her midday bottle when my smartphone lit up. It was my first supervisor, a partner at a massive agency. He was embedded at a company that used to be a client, and that I had incredible respect for. Ultimately, he asked me to come work for that company. I wasn’t in the…

7 Opera Related (IG) Accounts You Won’t Regret Following–Opera Shenanigans

Opera Shenanigan’s blog celebrates 7 Instagram accounts that are related to Opera and recommends following them in celebration of them reaching 7,000 followers on with Instagram account.  Among the profiles highlighted, @lmichellespeaks, calling her a “renaissance woman” and “a force of nature.”  A special thanks to @operashenanigans for the recognition!

Mompreneurs Discuss How They’re Making It Work Amidst a Pandemic

BY LAUREN HAWKINS • MAY 18, 2020 Since 2018, The DEC Network has teamed up with Capital One, which is the WEDallas founding partner and title sponsor, on the WEDallas Mompreneur event. Despite the ongoing pandemic, the two organizations still hosted the annual event—this time as a virtual happy hour.  As always, the event centered on being both a mom and a business owner, but this year’s event had…

Inspired N Style Dallas Lists NSC Coaching As a Service to Patronize During the Pandemic

Inspired N Style lists NSC Coaching as one of the small businesses in Dallas to patronize during the COVID-19 pandemic for its extending FREE certified coaching services during this time to professionals impacted by the virus.     by Leah Frazier, Cities, states, countries, and now islands are entering shutdowns as the Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) sweeps its way across the globe. While life as many have known it has entered disruption,…

LMS Talks Coaching Yourself Through Covid-19 on NBC5

UPDATE: Wondering how to cope through the many changes that have happened to you as a professional with family? Monday, March 31, LMS appeared on on NBC DFW Today discussing Coaching Yourself Through Covid-19.   

LMS on WFAA TV Good Morning Texas on The Culture Soup Podcast

VIDEO: Watch as WFAA TV Good Morning Texas features  L. Michelle Smith for a 5-minute-plus segment exploringThe Culture Soup Podcast.

LMS Appears on Good Morning Texas WFAA-TV

L. Michelle Smith has been invited on WFAA-TV’s Good Morning Texas to discuss The Culture Soup Podcast®️, it’s origins, it’s mission and various topics and guests with host Alanna Sarabia.  She will tape the segment Wed, March 4th for air on Tues, March 10, 2020.  Be sure to tune in if you are in the North Texas area.  Follow LMS on her social platforms to watch the digital…

L. Michelle Smith Shares the Innovative Methods She Applies to Business

L. Michelle Smith is an executive and a business coach, a speaker and an author.  She is CEO and founder of no silos communications LLC, the parent company for six media brands, and is responsible for leadership development and strategic communications – all of which are fueled by tech. She has more than 25 years of experience as an elite, award-winning communicator for major corporations and her own businesses.…

L. Michelle Smith Now Available to Media as On-Air SME

L. Michelle Smith, founder and CEO of no silos communications, LLC  is now available to media as a subject matter expert on array of business and communications topics that may be timely for your publication or TV news or morning show as related news happens.  She is a professional executive & business coach, speaker and author who also happens to be a contributor to Black Enterprise and an adjunct professor of…

Black Enterprise Names The Culture Soup Podcast®️ to List of 35 Black Podcasts to Tune Into and Download

35 BLACK PODCASTS YOU NEED TO TUNE INTO AND DOWNLOAD by BLACK ENTERPRISE Editors December 26, 2019 The podcasting market has boomed over the last couple of years for black podcasters. Companies like Spotify and Google are often on the lookout to help people find and establish their voice through podcasting. And, with platforms like, you can record, edit, and distribute your podcast from your smartphone. Yes, it…

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