Have a leadership question that you’ve been pondering? You’ve been wondering who you could ask confidentially. You may even have questions that are culturally or gender-nuanced, but you’re not sure where to turn. Well, every Friday, you can send your questions directly to Coach L. Michelle who is a credentialed executive and personal coach and advisor to the Fortune 100. Did I hear you say, “Yes, Please!”?…
There’s some wisdom in the saying: “Your words have power.” But did you know there is actual research to back that? However, the findings begins with our brains. According to neuroscience, repetitive thoughts or actions cause the hippocampus to grow larger. This is key to learning. So by the time those thoughts manifest into words, you can bet that your brain is already trained to think a certain…
There really is only so much merchandising of your own work that you can do. You need to create buzz about your work, and allow influential people to carry the word about your good work in order to propel you into executive spaces. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day provides one strategy, the echo effect, that may help you create the kind of buzz about you that matters.…
The #NSCJournalPrompt can guide you through it. Get your journals ready, and reserve time on my calendar for a strategy session to put the languisihing in the rear view mirror. You can check out my conversation with licensed trauma therapist Tina Robertson on episodes 165 and 166 of The Culture Soup Podcast®.
Proximity can be an aspiration killer. When I was running my agency, I recall putting a policy in place for interns that they could not immediately be hired on to my staff until they joined another agency. Then they could boomerang if they’d like, but only after experiencing another work environment. They didn’t understand it. In fact, one of my intern’s parents called and tried to talk me…no,…
Want to speak with authority? Keep it brief. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day is all about how saying less with more can move you further faster in your leadership aspirations. Brevity is powerful. Here are some tips for spoken and written communications to hold their attention. I’m holding some slots open for cohort #2 for my goal slayer mastermind. Still want in? Sign up here.