
Want to communicate like a boss?

Want to speak with authority? Keep it brief. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day is all about how saying less with more can move you further faster in your leadership aspirations. Brevity is powerful. Here are some tips for spoken and written communications to hold their attention.

A little fuzzy on your goals?

  Want to know how to get clear on your goals? You must be thoughtful, which means you need to set aside time to really consider what you want to do. Remember not to delve into what it will take to achieve the goal prematurely–that’s planning, and you want to allow yourself to dream so that you won’t set limits on the potential to soar. I’m placing a…

How to beat the guilt

Someone asks you to do something for them, and you feel the pressure. If that person outranks you, you may automatically drop everything and move. But is that productive? Healthy? It is no secret that generally, women tend to put others before themselves. It seems we are hardwired that way in most cases…there are exceptions. Today, ask yourself, “What do I need to say to myself to give…

So what will you do about these blahs that you have?

  The #NSCJournalPrompt can guide you through it. Get your journals ready, and reserve time on my calendar for a strategy session to put the languishing in the rear view mirror bit.ly/NSCCOACHING

Episode 165 of The Culture Soup Podcast® with Tina Robertson

    Get your head right 🙎🏽‍♀️  We’ve been through a lot 🤦🏽‍♀️ When is the last time you saw a therapist? If you haven’t seen one since the pandemic, gentle nudge. All this week my social campaigns have been discussing languishing, the blahs, brain fog and I’ve provided some guidance on what you can do; however, there is nothing better than sitting with a licensed therapist to…

So now we know that brain fog is languishing

To put it simply, languishing is the blahs. We all are struggling with it right now because we’ve been through so much as a society. Add in the demands of family and work, and if we don’t give ourselves a break, it could lead to other more serious mental health concerns. Sis, are you determined to push through despite the blahs? This is the caution light from your…

Are you ready to SLAY your leadership goals?

These freebies will get you on your way! 😎 ✅ Trying to gain clarity around your career ascension? ✅ Want to gain more focus for better productivity? ✅ Navigating bias in your workplace? ✅ Battling brain fog with all the bad news that surrounds us? ✅ Want to leverage mindfulness to let go of past work traumas? ✅ Or maybe you have another leadership challenge… WATCH the video…

Your brain is trying to tell you something

But are you listening?  Are you giving yourself grace? Or are you attempting to power through as if nothing has changed although we have been through and are going through so much.? Well, your body knows better–especially your brain. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day explores brain fog, why more of us are experiencing it right now and what you can do about it. Watch to learn more–and…

LMS Talks Women leaders on Good Morning Texas

Teaching women to lead. Why the phrase “No Thanks” could be the secret to success for women – Hannah chats with Author L. Michelle Smith about ladies in leadership. See the article at wfaatv.com.

Who is ready to SLAY their leadership goals?

  I’ll talk about my new journal, SLAY EVERYDAY 52 Weeks to Rockstar leadership with Cleo Green on @wfaa Daybreak Sunday morning. Wake up early with me if you are in the DFW metro area. I’ll be live in the 8 a.m. hour. That’s Central Time! #IAMUP #SlayEveryDay #author #executivecoach #speaker

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