
Ready to Refresh Your Leadership Aspirations and Get After It?

You cast the vision at the beginning of the year. Some of you even fasted and prayed over your desires to move forward and move up in business. How’s it going so far? By June, will you have met your halfway mark on your goals for 2021? If the answer is somewhat or no, I want to invite you to experience that will supercharge your efforts, removing the…

What Would Jim Do? 6 Ways to Do for You When Negotiating Your Salary #EqualPayDay

It’s #EqualPayDay! Let’s ask for what we’re worth, but that requires that you do something for you! Here are the stats if you wondered. Women and women of color still have a way to go, but here are 6 ways to do something for yourself to ensure that you remain competitive and always ready to negotiate: 1) Don’t wait to have this conversation during your once a year…

It’s a job, not a marriage.

Where does treating your relationship with your company like a marriage get you? . ❌You discuss looking into other positions like it is creeping, and that not looking around is an act of righteousness. ❌You only share company related posts on LinkedIn as if sharing other content is unfaithful. ❌ You won’t entertain recruiters and interview like it’s extra marital. ❌ You treat your current position as if…

Trying not to be “too out there”

You work hard, and you are finally getting the recognition.  But know one knows it.  You see other people sharing their accomplishments and thought leadership online and you actually enjoy the ones who aren’t obnoxious about it.  However, when it comes to the idea of your sharing, you freeze. Are you leaning into false humility?  This isn’t even the so-called “humble brag.”  You haven’t given yourself to be…

The Culture Soup Podcast: Ep 130: Black History Hit Different with Sacha Thompson

Companies are going all out for #BlackHistoryMonth, and it’s…awkward. I wouldn’t be the first to say that in the current cultural context, watching Black History Month unfold in social media news feeds is a bit surreal. If you are Black, you may be in one of two camps: you are either loud and proud and a bit defiant in your celebration of Black Excellence, or you are completely…

Who does she think she is?

Do you understand that one way privilege of any ilk presents itself is when someone automatically takes control and puts themself in charge of you and everyone in the space? Because women of color, especially Black women, are not centered in business or in the workplace, sometimes we acquiesce to others who take this stance automatically. Remember the woman in Jason’s Deli who charged me up about my…

A letter to my brothers…

My brothers… Please be careful. You sound like the All Lives Matter crew when you question why Black Women require advocacy. You too can be an ally if you open your minds, and it would mean a lot. It’s amazing how many Black men get a little frazzled when they learn that I’m an advocate for women and women of color. They start asking questions like: “what about…

LMS Discusses #NoThanks and “Work-Jacking” on The Back Pack Show LIVE

  Let’s talk about the relationship between White women and Black women in the workplace for a moment. It’s time. Let’s keep it 💯. I had the privilege of going live on The Back Pack Show LIVE with Chris Brogan and Kerry Gorgone talking about my new book No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself. I broke news there about the remix of #NoThanks that is upcoming. It’s…

Zapier: Leading in a New Video-Centric Business Environment

As I work in my private coaching practice, which blends leadership development and strategic communications, I find it interesting to hear how so many professionals are being required to have dozens of “camera-on” conversations and appearances every day. It isn’t without its awkwardness either—the work-from-home environment has collided simultaneously with online school at home for many of us, and, well, camera-on isn’t always possible. Imagine giving a keynote…

That one Day in Dallas that Blessed My Church

If you read my new book No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself, you know there is a nice dash of Black Church culture in it and historical nuggets about my home church. Yes, that is who you think it is in the middle. Some of you will recognize the man on the right as the legendary and very young Dr. C.A.W. Clark. My parents…

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