Second guess yourself often? Ladies, I’m talking to you, especially my sisters–the high performing ones who are mid-to-late career yet still stuck in the middle of the leadership pipeline. You know, it isn’t that we don’t arrive at a decision as quickly as men do. It is that men tend to trust their first mind and then act on that decision. We tend to question our first notion.…
Someone asks you to do something for them, and you feel the pressure. If that person outranks you, you may automatically drop everything and move. But is that productive? Healthy? It is no secret that generally, women tend to put others before themselves. It seems we are hardwired that way in most cases…there are exceptions. Today, ask yourself, “What do I need to say to myself to give…
So you’ve dialed back all the extra you do at work, but now you’ve replaced all that time and energy into something that benefits and feeds you. GREAT! But now you are just as tired and overwhelmed. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day encourages you to take stock of your over-achieving tendencies that keep you under pressure. Stress is stress, good or bad. Stop. Take a breath. Give…
Key to it is positive self talk, but if you are really honest about this, do you wonder if these affirmations are supposed to work like magic? As if you simply say them, and BOOF the negative emotions and self-doubt just disappear? That the business you’ve been struggling to make profitable is suddenly rolling in it…that you can simply SAY things into existence? It isn’t magic. It isn’t…
Some of the ANTs are there for a real reason. I mentioned “survivor brain” last week. Imagine your ancestor, exposed in the bush. That sound of a twig breaking could signal a number of things. If you are a mother guarding her young, your first thought will likely be that it’s a predator. That feeling in your gut is pre-historic, and it’s caused by the ANTs—the automatic negative…
… not because your ill.… not because it’s a light day.… not because of anything……but, because you *can*. This is for the eagles out there… sheer excellence, nothing less. Select your busiest day, the morning of, and simply clear it. Then “DND”your phone and auto response or delegate your emails. Why? ✅…because you place a premium on the white space to simply think and strategize your next move✅…because…
Admit it… you’ve felt it. Email dread is real. I never will forget being at the airport on my way to a speaking engagement. I was attempting to get centered on my message before boarding a flight, and there it was. It was an email from my boss, who I liked a lot; but, he was carrying news from his boss, and she had concerns—about a meeting that…
Does your workplace culture smell? It just might, and it didn’t just happen. There’s been a lot of conversation about why people are quitting their jobs. In fact, you know that I choose to refer to it as The Great Opt Out because what The Great Resignation ignores is the insight that people have more options than ever, thanks to the democratization of the Internet. I took…
To all the FHamily in my social media community, I’m looking forward to making a little history with you at your first-ever Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit Oct 11-15. I’ll be sharing on two days at this internal event—Oct 12 & 13— hosting what I’m planning to be two thoughtful, reflective and actionable leadership development sessions. That means I will speak twice, and you’ll get double the…
Episode 157 of The Culture Soup Podcast® is extra special for a few reasons. While the show’s tag is “with L. Michelle Smith & Friends,” it is rare that you meet those friends of mine who I’ve known for a couple of decades or more. Leslie Short is one of those people, and throughout the show, I shout out someone who has meant the world to me. It…