
Who is standing in the way of your happiness?

“If only this person would stop…“If only that person would let…“If only my company did…I could be happy.” Really? But this is how many of us think. I had to shift my mindset to understand that I was the only person standing in the way of my happiness. Sis, you can’t even blame your ex. Why is this important? Happy people are successful people. You want to be…

How to handle Mansplaining and Whitesplaning As it Happens

Mansplaining and Whitesplaining happen in broad daylight in rooms, virtual or not. There are witnesses. So how is it that so many people get away with it? Is anyone willing to step up and face this phenomenon head on? One of the main reasons why we don’t speak up for ourselves and others is because we don’t have a plan. Planning is your No. 1 way to tackle the…

7+ Deep Questions to Connect with Your Dreams

If you’ve read my new book No, Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself, you may have noticed that it opens with me recalling a dream I had in graduate school. There were six things on a list that I said I would do once I gained the credibility, credentials, contacts and confidence to move on those items. If you have been following or reading, you…

Carve out some dedicated time for your goals once a day

  High performing executives are so busy killing it for everyone else, that many times they forget to direct that same energy into goals for themselves. Try carving out 20 minutes a day to focus on those things that will move you forward, and see what a difference it makes. Sign up for the NSC Spring Cleaning Group Coaching that kicks of Monday, April 12, 2021. We’ll take…

Ready to Refresh Your Leadership Aspirations and Get After It?

You cast the vision at the beginning of the year. Some of you even fasted and prayed over your desires to move forward and move up in business. How’s it going so far? By June, will you have met your halfway mark on your goals for 2021? If the answer is somewhat or no, I want to invite you to experience that will supercharge your efforts, removing the…

What Would Jim Do? 6 Ways to Do for You When Negotiating Your Salary #EqualPayDay

It’s #EqualPayDay! Let’s ask for what we’re worth, but that requires that you do something for you! Here are the stats if you wondered. Women and women of color still have a way to go, but here are 6 ways to do something for yourself to ensure that you remain competitive and always ready to negotiate: 1) Don’t wait to have this conversation during your once a year…

  The Women’s Opera Network hosted a webinar featuring a fireside chat where I broke down my approach to networking—-essentially,Power Relationships Building. Find out what has worked for me throughout my 26 years of successful corporate and entrepreneurial experiences.  Prepare to take notes during this important conversation, and decide how you will pursue and power up your network.

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