
How to increase your digital literacy to lead better

At the heart of my practice are tech leaders, but you’re probably learning that even if you aren’t in a traditionally tech business, there is increased pressure to become more tech savvy as many organizations embark on digital transformation. As we charge ahead into the digital age, one thing is abundantly clear: digital literacy has become an indispensable skill for leaders across all industries. In 2024, amidst the…

🔍 Discovering Dominance! 🏆 Dominant individuals are assertive go-getters.

  🔍 Discovering Dominance! 🏆 Dominant individuals are assertive go-getters. Strength: They drive results with determination. Challenge: May come off as too direct. Opposite Profile: Steadiness (S). Leaders, recognize the power dynamics and strengths of the “D” profile in your teams. Harness their drive to achieve goals and propel your organization forward! Ready to delve deeper? Consider hosting a workshop or coaching session with NSC Coaching’s innovative SOAR…

Did you know that storytelling can be a powerful tool in your business toolkit? According to Forbes, leaders who use storytelling as a communication tool can increase employee engagement, build trust, and inspire action. Storytelling can also help leaders connect with their audience on a more emotional level, making their message more memorable and impactful. In fact, in a study by HBR, leaders who use storytelling as a…

Fire yourself 👏🏽

I am looking forward to a big vacation this holiday season. It’s the third big one for me and my daughter this year. I’m reflecting on how small decisions to delegate, assign tasks, hire help and generally offload tasks have enabled me to take more time for myself and my family from week to week and even year over year. I work no more than 30 hours a…

We kick off tonight!

  The best news is that enrollment will remain open until the session begins at 6:30 p.m. CT this evening. Then registration closes. We still have some slots open. Don’t miss out. Learn more here. Register at bit.ly/NSCPeaceProductivity

Last day to sign up for the NSC Peace & Productivity Challenge

Whether you are • experiencing the crush of life’s surprises and challenges while you’re trying to reach your goals, or • feeling overwhelmed in the midst of your goal getting, or • facing a toxic work environment, or • life has thrown you some other kind of a curve ball… We have four LIVE sessions with like-minded leaders like you that will inspire you uncluttered your mind, let…

What’s distracting you from what you really want?

Have you considered that achieving laser focus can be an act of kindness to yourself? In fact, it’s another form of radical self care because it allows you to prioritize the goals that are important to you and get them done. In fact, persistent distractions can be costly, to yourself, your life and your leadership aspirations. Think of it like this: if your goal is to be a…

Mastery is your license to mentor

There’s a disease that is rapidly spreading on social media, and that’s people teaching, mentoring or even coaching on topics that have little to no experience or credentials in. It’s the other pandemic. Smarts can get you to the table. Experience and wisdom will not only keep you there, but it will elevate you to access to rooms where the real business is done. So Sis, slow down.…

Your brain is trying to tell you something

Are you giving yourself grace? Or are you attempting to power through as if nothing has changed although we have been through and are going through so much.? Well, your body knows better–especially your brain. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day explores brain fog, why more of us are experiencing it right now and what you can do about it. Watch to learn more–and take it easy. Want…

So what will you do about these blahs that you have?

  The #NSCJournalPrompt can guide you through it. Get your journals ready, and reserve time on my calendar for a strategy session to put the languisihing in the rear view mirror. You can check out my conversation with licensed trauma therapist Tina Robertson on episodes 165 and 166 of The Culture Soup Podcast®.

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