
How to Control The Boogieman in Your Inbox

Admit it… you’ve felt it. Email dread is real. I never will forget being at the airport on my way to a speaking engagement. I was attempting to get centered on my message before boarding a flight, and there it was. It was an email from my boss, who I liked a lot; but, he was carrying news from his boss, and she had concerns—about a meeting that…

Are you living a double life?

Our parents taught us to do it. You know… Live two lives. It’s that form of code switching that just about every working person has tried at least once in their lives: other than a couple photos of family on the desktop wall paper or on your desk, you pretty much keep to yourself. All they know about you at the job is your work during business hours.…


Is the intentional experience people have with you. Everything you do to ensure it is simply an expression of it or an amplification of it. Your goal is to produce loyalty. Surprisingly, you can actually accomplish this with limited awareness. So if you only have three followers, it’s about them being true believers and if they are willing to jump into action for you—beyond likes and comments. What…

OPERA America Launches 2021–2022 Year with New Board Leadership and Structure

I’m so pleased to be elected to an officer role on the board of OPERA America. I look forward to supporting the incoming Chair, Carol F. Henry as Co-Chair over the next few years. Carol is an esteemed philanthropist and founding trustee of the Los Angeles Opera. I’m extraordinarily proud of the work that Marc A. Scorca, CEO and Timothy O’Leary Chair Emeritus and Executive Director of Washington Opera and the Kennedy…

Promoted to VP 6 Months Ago, 3 Months in, She Was Given GLOBAL Responsibility

Headline: Promoted to VP six months ago, 3 months in, she was given global responsibility. Industry: Global Financial Services How it was: She wanted to be promoted, but they said it was delayed because of the pandemic. She was disenchanted, especially because she is a tech expert in business that only had so many roles for someone at er rank. On the journey: She learned that everything she…

She Got Promoted and Is Building a Team That Will Take Her Company to The Next Level

Headline: She got promoted and is building a team that will take her company to the next level. Industry: Marketing How it was: She felt stagnant. She’d been at her current title for years, and she was feeling invisible. On the journey: She looked internally and externally and discovered her market value. She also started making more time for herself and her hobbies. Her secret sauce: She shifted…

Do you have all the support you need to go where you’re planning to go, my sister?

  HEADLINE: Do you have all the support you need to go where you’re planning to go, my sister? Do you have all the support you need to go where you’re planning to go, my sister? You’re going to need it. You have big goals. I’m not necessarily talking about a Tribe…I’m talking about the life stuff…the things that help your life run smoothly so that you can…

Carve out some dedicated time for your goals once a day

  High performing executives are so busy killing it for everyone else, that many times they forget to direct that same energy into goals for themselves. Try carving out 20 minutes a day to focus on those things that will move you forward, and see what a difference it makes. Sign up for the NSC Spring Cleaning Group Coaching that kicks of Monday, April 12, 2021. We’ll take…

It’s time you were intentional about your leadership goals.

“I’ve never looked for a position in my entire career.” That’s an excellent position to be in, but what if you decided to be intentional about your direction and leadership aspirations? Are you allowing your path to be plotted by someone else? Selective, yes, but still simply taking it as it comes… if it comes? Are you wondering why that “tap on the shoulder” hasn’t come your way…

NEW BOOK: No Thanks, 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself
A Guide to Rockstar Leadership for Women of Color in the Workplace Order the Kindle Edition Now "I've launched my new book, No Thanks, 7 Ways to Say I'll Just Include Myself: A Guide to Rockstar Leadership for Women of Color in the Workplace.  If you are an ambitious and  overqualified woman of color, you can probably relate to and need this book."-- L. Michelle Smith   Get your Branded…

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