
Seeing your way through a tough time 👏🏽

When we started, Jennie was afraid. Return to office and an overwhelming sense of job insecurity had taken over. She wanted to land safely, but she learned that finding her peace and joy in the people, places and things she valued was her way of putting life and work in better perspective. Now, the threat of job loss is no longer, she has a new past time that…

Self improvement may be only one powerful question away 🌞

Coaching can sometimes seem magical, but when a credentialed coach engages with a client with evidence-based strategies, it really isn’t magic. It’s science. Our executive and personal coaching is rooted in the firm foundation of positive psychology, which is why we believe that you have all the answers. We have all the deep questions that allow you to get to those answers. Take a look at the text…

Is there anything good about negative emotion?  🤔

I get asked about negative emotions often. At one of my book signings in DC, a leader told me that he was driven by the anger that resulted from his boss undermining him at work. I asked him if that was sustainable? What could be the cost? Another community member here on IG said that his anxiety had been driving him more than any positive emotion could. Well……

Have a cup of tea or coffee with me…☕

Have a cup of coffee or tea with me, and let’s hack your life and leadership goals together! That cup is on me if you relax on my couch at my office and join me in person. So local leaders and those who happen to be in town, head my way. 🚗 Did you know that I take clients on the fly, no contract, by appointment? Space is…

Fall is coming…

And we are preparing personal and leadership experiences for you that will propel you into your winning season. Here is a preview of what’s to come. Be on the lookout for your chance to get involved in person or virtually. Some of our favorites are back, and we have a few new things as well. 📆Aug: Happy Anyway, FREE event w/ Dr Jeff & Coach L 💫NEW💫 📆Sept:…

Spring forward and take a luxurious pause 💅🏽

Spring is here. Have you begun the spring cleaning on your life and aspirations? It’s going to take your tribe, and a plan. I’m committed to my mantra, “Write about it. Speak about it. BE about it.” Take action with me. This special VIP Experience is for those of you who are in my coaching community— whether you are a part of an organization I’ve partnered with, a…

Coach L. Michelle Talks Peace & Productivity on WFAA Good Morning Texas

If there is an “anti hustle culture crew,” headquarters is located squarely in my coaching community, and I am the ring leader. We get more done by working less… and smarter. And we strive for uber chill… Here is how we do it. Thanks, @wfaagmt and @hungreehannah for having me on! Learn more about #TheSHIFTCoaching, check out the link in my bio. View the video here.

Plan to do the work 👊🏽…No shortcuts in 2023

  In all of your intention and goal setting, vision boarding, do the work. It’s as simple as that. Shout out to Donielle Tyeskie,M.S. for our annual New Years rap session. WATCH the video here.

Time to reconsider?

  If you’re constantly pouring out and they never refill you… you might reconsider. LMichelleSmith.com/TheShift

Fire yourself 👏🏽

I am looking forward to a big vacation this holiday season. It’s the third big one for me and my daughter this year. I’m reflecting on how small decisions to delegate, assign tasks, hire help and generally offload tasks have enabled me to take more time for myself and my family from week to week and even year over year. I work no more than 30 hours a…

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