How do you handle a toxic boss? One tactic that many of them use is to keep you reacting, mainly to their requests. When you are reacting, you are not in control, and it is a great way to lose your focus which is paramount to your excellent performance. One of the primary complaints I get from clients about toxic bosses is that they fill their day with…
We discussed two key concepts, calibration and succession, in the #NSCRockstarLeadership tip of the day on Tuesday and #BossMoves content share on Wednesday. It’s Thursday, so it’s time to plan your action with the #NSCJournal prompt. The beauty of journaling out your strategy is that only you know your unique situation at work, the leaders, the politic and the culture. Now what will you do with this…
Admit it… you’ve felt it. Email dread is real. I never will forget being at the airport on my way to a speaking engagement. I was attempting to get centered on my message before boarding a flight, and there it was. It was an email from my boss, who I liked a lot; but, he was carrying news from his boss, and she had concerns—about a meeting that…
So many of my clients have landed new gigs within the last several months, and many of them are looking for ways to look smart within their first 90 days of transitioning. It is important to be intentional and have a plan. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip focuses on what to do while you’re still getting your footing, so you will look like the rockstar they hired you to be…