Some of the ANTs are there for a real reason. I mentioned “survivor brain” last week. Imagine your ancestor, exposed in the bush. That sound of a twig breaking could signal a number of things. If you are a mother guarding her young, your first thought will likely be that it’s a predator. That feeling in your gut is pre-historic, and it’s caused by the ANTs—the automatic negative…
Admit it… you’ve felt it. Email dread is real. I never will forget being at the airport on my way to a speaking engagement. I was attempting to get centered on my message before boarding a flight, and there it was. It was an email from my boss, who I liked a lot; but, he was carrying news from his boss, and she had concerns—about a meeting that…
Our parents taught us to do it. You know… Live two lives. It’s that form of code switching that just about every working person has tried at least once in their lives: other than a couple photos of family on the desktop wall paper or on your desk, you pretty much keep to yourself. All they know about you at the job is your work during business hours.…
There really is only so much merchandising of your own work that you can do. You need to create buzz about your work, and allow influential people to carry the word about your good work in order to propel you into executive spaces. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip of the Day provides one strategy, the echo effect, that may help you create the kind of buzz about you that matters.…
So many of my clients have landed new gigs within the last several months, and many of them are looking for ways to look smart within their first 90 days of transitioning. It is important to be intentional and have a plan. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip focuses on what to do while you’re still getting your footing, so you will look like the rockstar they hired you to be…
High performing executives are so busy killing it for everyone else, that many times they forget to direct that same energy into goals for themselves. Try carving out 20 minutes a day to focus on those things that will move you forward, and see what a difference it makes. Sign up for the NSC Spring Cleaning Group Coaching that kicks of Monday, April 12, 2021. We’ll take…