
The sure-fire way to change your life 💯

  So, you want to change your life…your leadership trajectory? What could you accomplish if only you were consistent? That means that you can’t give up, Sis. Building new habits means that you need to stick to it, and not just for a week or month or two. My private online growth group is discussing it today and all this week. Watch the video to hear me talk…

What is one good habit you’d like to form this month?

Building great new habits that promote leadership and personal development is a crucial aspect of self-improvement. All this month in The Circle, we will be discussing what it takes to form good ones, and undo bad ones. Journal Question: What is one good habit you’d like to form this month that will put you on the road to success in life and leadership? Let me hear from you.…

5 Reasons Why Adaptive Leadership Matters in Today’s Business Climate 🌟

Adaptive Leadership is the ability to guide and inspire teams through complex challenges and uncertain environments, by embracing change, learning, and fostering innovation. It’s about staying agile and responsive, while effectively leading others towards sustainable success. 1️⃣ Resilience: With rapid technological advancements and global uncertainties, businesses face unprecedented challenges. Adaptive Leadership equips leaders to navigate these obstacles, fostering resilience and inspiring teams to adapt and thrive. 2️⃣ Innovation:…

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